Hallo! Willkommen zu Sempiternal Wanderer. Mein name ist Krishaun. :)

Klassenfahrt: November 23rd-29th

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F-B: Caro, Leoni, me, Flo
 Two weeks ago, I had a class trip to Bonn, which is the old German capital (now it is Berlin). The trip was fun and informative. We left school in Zehdenick at 8:30 on Monday, and we did not arrive in Bonn until a little after 8 that evening. (I believe. I have a horrible memory.) We went to the Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland on Tuesday. That was my favorite [informatinal] part of the trip. I love learning about a country's history. The museum was about the Ost-/West- separation & reunition. Plus! There was a 1950's themed cafe (only a replica; non-functional) with a jukebox and a hippie's bus. If that's not cool, then I don't know what is.

During the trip, I stayed in a room with Leoni, Flo, Nastasia, and Caro. By the end of it, I was a bit exhausted because sharing a room [with so many people] is not something that I am accustomed to. Plus, that past weekend, I shared a room with three other girls at the Re-entry Orientation, so let's just say that I was freaking tired and wanted to be alone. Haha. But it was a nice week, nevertheless. 
L-R: Paul, Nick, Flo, Leoni, Luisa, Leah , Justin, Anna, Nastasia, me, Caro
We also visited Bonn's Weihnachtsmarkt on both Tuesday and Thursday, and we went to Köln's on Wednesday. Köln's was by far my favorite! I bought Mandeln (Almonds) at all three, and I have to say that it's a tie between Nutella and Vanilla Mandeln. Yum! Considering that the Weihnactsmarkts were in the middle of die Stadt (i.e. surrounded by shops), we shopped a lot. I bought some really cute and comfy house boots, mascara that I have been looking for, for about a year, an iPad mini case, fuzzy socks, and earmuffs. 
I love this wall in the museum! It translates to: "Your Christ, a Jew. Your car, a Japanese. Your pizza, Italian. Your democratic, Greek. Your coffee, Brazilien. Your holidays, Turkish. Your numbers, Arabic. Your signature, Latin. And your neighbor is just a foreigner?"
On Thursday, our group went to the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung. There, we were given a presentation about unfair manual labor - how we pay for clothes, the store keeps most of the money, and the worker who actually made the clothes hardly receives anything. It was a bit boring, but I enjoyed the video that they showed us at the end. I have no idea how it was related to the presentation, though. It was about three people who exchanged to different countries to help them out in some way. 

If I were to move to Germany, I think that I would want to live in either Bayern or Köln. Although I did not see all of the city, I say a good amount (by foot, may I add), and I love it! The buildings, and colors, and water, and everything. I fell in love. 

We were outside the castle in Köln. 

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