Hallo! Willkommen zu Sempiternal Wanderer. Mein name ist Krishaun. :)


Welcome to my space on the web! My name is Krishaun, and I am from a big city (well, big enough) in Michigan called Detroit (well, I live in Farmington Hills now, but it's close enough). It's not as busy as New York or as sunny as L.A., but it's where I'm from and it's pretty pleasant. I have technically been a blogger since 2012; however, I took a hiatus from blogging earlier this year. The reason I am back is because I was awarded some fantastic news, which has lead me this point: writing about my adventures that I will soon embark upon in Germany.

I am the type of girl who enjoys fantasizing about the future. I really enjoy pretty, minimalistic things. I have a thing for colors and typography. I am also infatuated with different cultures and languages (I believe the word is 'xenophile'.) I love music a lot, a lot. (Honestly, go through my iTunes; you'll find Country, EDM, Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, Indie, Jazz, and well, I could go on for a while, so let me stop while I'm ahead.) Oh! And I am also that girl from the Midwest that says y'all instead of you all and soda instead of pop. (Don't hate me. ;)

If you want to see more photos + stuff in live action, follow me over on instagram.