Hallo! Willkommen zu Sempiternal Wanderer. Mein name ist Krishaun. :)

Hiking the Eistobel in Allgäu

By 5:29 PM , , , , , , ,

I hiked the Eistobel in Allgäu with my host mom and sister two days ago (on Sunday). It is one of the most beautiful sites that I have seen thus far in Bavaria. It was a really surreal experience. We went at about 11:30 AM and did not return back home until about 6 PM. The trip to the Eistobel took about an hour one-way, but it was so worth it! On a typical day, from where I live in Amberg (near Buchloe), I am able to see a faint outline of the Alps. It's really beautiful. But what I do not normally see are the tinier mountains that are available for hiking. Eistobel was one of those unknown treasures for me. It was also pretty neat that I could look from them and see the Alps quite closer while knowing that they surround Schweiz (Switzerland) and Österrich (Austria); it made me appreciate hiking this particular mountain even more. (One day, my host family is  planning to take me around the lake that hits all three countries, so I'll technically be able to say that I have been to all three countries. Cool, eh? ;)

The Eistobel have a lot of waterfalls and little areas to sit/eat. It was such a peaceful way to spend a Sunday. Aside from actually hiking, Ami, her mom, and I spent about an hour simply skipping rocks. Or, in my case, attempting to skip rocks. Hahah. We also waded in the water a bit, which was super fun, but a little cold.

By the way, all of these photos belong to Amelie. They are beyond amazing!

Meine Gästemutter und Ich. :)

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